Enter the Quantum Portal
What can we help you with?
- Things to watch
- Watch "Facts About the Astral World By Rudolf Steiner" on YouTube
- Watch "Investigation of the Mineral World by Rudolf Steiner" on YouTube
- Watch "THUD" on YouTube
- Watch "Arcturian Anthology: Future Shock!" on YouTube
- Watch "Bosnian Pyramids and Giant Stone Ball Claims by Sam Semir Osmanagić under Assault by "Experts"" on YouTube
- Watch "Behind the Scenes of External Events - Rudolf Steiner" on YouTube
- Earthquake Forecasting
- Catastrophic Weather April 2023
- Watch "They got rid of 15 minute cities!" on YouTube
- Watch "Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio May 5th 2023" on YouTube
- Watch "4/14/2023 -- Large M7.0 earthquake -- Deep event below West Pacific -- Major seismic unrest develops" on YouTube
- Watch "They've made WEATHER a weapon!" on YouTube
- Watch "CIA Covered Up Earth's Catastrophe Cycle" on YouTube
- Earthquake Forecasting
- Watch "4/27/2023 -- Solar Storm = Earthquake increase -- Japan to USA, Europe and Asia -- Watches issued" on YouTube
- Watch "4/20/2023 -- Deep Earthquake Unrest -- Spread of new activity due -- EAST COAST USA rare M4.5" on YouTube
- Natural Disasters
- Watch "The Great Flood The Myths The Biblical Texts and Why the Earth is Collapsing in Turkey" on YouTube
- Watch "4/14/2023 -- Large M7.0 earthquake -- Deep event below West Pacific -- Major seismic unrest develops" on YouTube
- Watch "4/12/2023 -- Fort Tryon NYC on fire + Fort Belle Fontaine St. Louis US Army Corps says RADIATION!!" on YouTube
- Deluge & Floods
- Leicester Phenomena
- Natural Disasters
- Watch "They got rid of 15 minute cities!" on YouTube
- Watch "4/12/2023 -- California M4.4 (M4.9) Earthquake at Volcano -- 52,000ft volcanic blast in Russia" on YouTube
- Watch "4/07/2023 -- Major fires break out across 7 states / Midwest USA -- Hot Spots turn to fires" on YouTube
- Watch "3/30/2023 -- Multiple M6.0+ earthquakes strike Japan, Chile, West Pacific -- Italy direct hit" on YouTube
- Homunculus Unveiled: Jesus/LIBER VACCAE/Artificial Generation/Lost Esote...
- Watch "Are these Myths real and did Dragons Once Rule the World As was Written Everywhere" on YouTube
- Matt Salusbury: The woodwoses of Suffolk
- NASA rover discovers 'dragon bones' on Mars - Chronicle Live
- Watch "The Most Bizzare Creature You Will Ever See and Might Be Eternally Important" on YouTube
- Watch "Father of History Herodotus Ancient Map shows Atlantis and Dragons" on YouTube
- Serpents & Sea Monsters
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
- Giants
- Rock Hounding
- NASA rover discovers 'dragon bones' on Mars - Chronicle Live
- Watch "The Most Bizzare Creature You Will Ever See and Might Be Eternally Important" on YouTube
- Watch "Father of History Herodotus Ancient Map shows Atlantis and Dragons" on YouTube
- Watch "The Great Flood The Myths The Biblical Texts and Why the Earth is Collapsing in Turkey" on YouTube
- Stones
- The Untold Story of Electroculture with Q & A
- Watch "Are these Myths real and did Dragons Once Rule the World As was Written Everywhere" on YouTube
- Rock Hounding
- The Adam and Eve Story
- Electroculture
- Meteorites
- Watch "The Most Bizzare Creature You Will Ever See and Might Be Eternally Important" on YouTube
- Articles coming soon
Getting Started
Topic B
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
- Theater of the World and time - Gallucci's Theatro del Mundo - 1606
- Doomsday Clock
- Geo-polymer
- 7/04/2019 -- HOW TO FORECAST AN EARTHQUAKE -- Fundamental principles
- The Second Ring Beyond the ice walls: Map introduction and analysis (1)
- Homunculus Unveiled: Jesus/LIBER VACCAE/Artificial Generation/Lost Esote...
- Homunculus Unveiled: Jesus/LIBER VACCAE/Artificial Generation/Lost Esote...
- The Untold Story of Electroculture with Q & A
- Watch "Are these Myths real and did Dragons Once Rule the World As was Written Everywhere" on YouTube
- Watch "VATICA"
- Watch "They Are Hiding More Land - Mega Stream - Tartaria, Mud Flood, History Reset" on YouTube
- We the People
- PI Grid Map - Sacred Sites