

Welcome to The Quantum Portal, your gateway to the intriguing world of what i find interesting and Leicester’s hidden treasures, ancient wisdom, and curious discoveries. My name is Smith, and I am the curator of this eclectic repository of knowledge.


The Quantum Portal is more than just a collection of random information; it is a testament to my insatiable curiosity and passion for the obscure. Here, you will find a tapestry woven with threads of folklore, science, and wonder, where the boundaries between fact and fiction blur, inviting you to explore realms both familiar and unknown.

Why I Created The Quantum Portal

Join me on a journey through time and space as we traverse the realms of academia, mythology, and the arcane. Whether you’re a seasoned scholar or a curious seeker, there’s something here for everyone to ponder and explore.

"I thought I would share what I find..."

So, come, venture forth into the depths of The Quantum Portal, and let us embark on a voyage of discovery together. Who knows what wonders we may find lurking in the shadows of Leicester’s past and present?